colossus of the north造句


  1. He said the sanctions were keeping Castro in power by giving him a " banner of defiance against the colossus of the north ."
  2. The "'Colossus of the North "'is a name for the United States typically used by those who view the country as oppressive to its southern neighbors.
  3. But " many Colombians today prefer any space whatsoever in the colossus of the north to a moral, physical, psychological, or employment tomb here in our own country ."
  4. Castro warned other Latin leaders that the kind of free trade promoted by the United States in Santiago would only increase their countries'dependence on the " colossus of the north ."
  5. Once Spain began its long period of decline in the nineteenth century, the Philippines and Mexico became part of the sphere of influence of emergent colossus of the north, such as the United States.
  6. It's difficult to find colossus of the north in a sentence. 用colossus of the north造句挺难的
  7. The ambassador didn't have much to lose given that he was to leave his post anyway at the end of the year, when Mexico completes its two-year term on the U . N . Security Council, " and he will return home a'martyr'because of his presumed willingness to decry Mexico's kowtowing to the'colossus of the North, "'
  8. Robert A . Pastor, a professor at Emory University and a key Carter aide who will also be traveling to Cuba on Sunday, explains in his book, " Exiting the Whirlpool : U . S . Foreign Policy Toward Latin America and the Caribbean, " how Cuban officials not only refused to withdraw their troops but increased them _ a detail Castro's foes cite to show he is not interested in improving relations with Washington because doing so would weaken his discourse against the colossus of the North and therefore his hold over the people of Cuba.


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